Gifts and Donation Goals
Gifts / Donations
- Gifts can be toggled from settings.
- Clients can send gifts/tips/donations to performer(s) both in public chat and private sessions.
- Unlimited tip options (for users to select) are customizable from backend with different parameters used in different implementations:
- amount
- label
- default note (message) to performer
- sound (mp3) to play on tip
- image (icon of gift)
- Webmaster can also define the ratio earned by performer from tips. Performer can receive the full amount or just part of the tip amount (ex. 90%).
- When multiple performers are checked in for a group session, the gifts are shared in equal amounts.
Donation Goals
- Goals can be toggled from settings.
- Webmaster defines default goals and performer can setup own custom goals.
- All gifts add up to complete room goals for progressive goals.
- When a goal is completed room moves to next goal.
- Participants can contribute to current room goal or independent goals anytime.
- Goals can be sorted by their order or donation amount.
Donations on Content Pages
Solution can also implement donation buttons and functionality on content pages (videos, pictures, downloads, posts) with the MicroPayments – WP Site Monetization plugin.
- enable donations for any content page
- configure donation goals and/or crowdfunding
- goals show progress bar and goal details on content page
- crowdfunding shows funders and their contributions including percents
- donation button with wallet
- donation dialog with customizable slider, AJAX (user does not leave content page to make donation)